Helping a cat with an obstructed gut....Holistic alternatives to surgery.
I just had a friend call saying there was an emergency. A friend of her's had a cat that had been sick, not eating and vomiting for a...
Raw Milk Safety Interview with Dr. Mercola
Is it safe to drink raw (unpasteurized) milk? The short answer is a resounding yes — provided it comes from healthy, organically raised,...
Making Farm Flies Flee! Making Fleas Fly Away, Other Pests Not Withstanding!
Here’s the BASIC PROTOCOL we use for natural control, prevention and eradication of all fly problems. As I’ve outlined in my TOP TEN WAYS...
Summary of Experiment- Apple Cider Vinegar Research By Tom Franzen for Practical Farmers of Iowa.
1) Pigs were given feed to which 5 gallons of raw ACV was added per ton. Half the pigs were raised exactly the same but without the...
Humanely-Raised and Truly-Pastured Hogs Are becoming a reality!
This is a blast of fresh air! Both for me and for hogs everywhere. Through a combination of consumer pressure, leaders like Chipotle and...
LUCKY PIG FARMS TRADITIONAL BERKSHIRE PORK 612-827-1549 or or I've finally found the exact PORK that...